other works novels blog about me!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hello and welcome! I’ve decided to start documenting the journey of getting my novel from querying to publication in hopes of sharing with others what I’ve learned throughout the process. After searching around on The Google, I’ve discovered that while there are tons of articles and blogs about how to get a draft to its final, polished state, or advice for crafting the perfect query, or even questions to ask agents/publishers once you’ve received an offer, there isn’t much in terms on what happens “behind the scenes”.

So. Here I am. I’m currently in the midst of prepping Of Silver and Stars for publication in Oct 16, 2018, through Blaze Pub. . . and have learned (and still am learning!) tons of tidbits that I would love to share so that you can avoid the same mistakes I made. (Such as: querying agents and publishers simultaneously—hint: don’t do that; choosing a novel title that gives good SEO search returns—something I didn’t do; believing that once you’ve signed on your novel will be released soon—oh trust me, you’ve only just gotten started . . . did I mention all those deadlines you have to meet by the way?!)

Before I dive into my first post (Ready to Query), a little about me:

I am not an expert. This is my first time navigating through the jungle of publishing a book. I have stumbled and fallen into sand pits, mud pits, and arm pits. I am more often than not blindly hacking a path (though I am very lucky and thankful to have a wonderful editor to guide me). The intention of this series is not to be a “how-to” guide . . . it’s more of a “I wish someone had told me this before I went and did that” sort of deal.

Ready? Let’s go. Grab a machete. And some bug spray too.

PS: Questions and comments? I would love to hear your thoughts below!

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